Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get out and Vote!

I am so thankful that I get to go out an use my voting opinion today! I am so excited about a few major issues we get to settle. But, what I am most excited about is the end to the nasty, never ending political ads and phone calls to my flippin cell phone! Where do they draw the line anyway?

Last night Weston was not able to eat dinner. He complained about his throat hurting so bad that he was unable to eat. When I looked at it, it was red with some white marks on it. So, early this morning I was on the phone with the pediatricians office. He is seven years old and seems to get strep throat about 4 times a year. Poor baby! Thank goodness I have good friends that will pick us up and take us to the dr at the last minute.

Here I sit and think about how god has his hand in everything we do. I promise that I am not a very religious person but I have seen really impressive things in the last seven months. Two weeks ago I had lunch with my only cousin on my mothers side, his wife, and their adorable four month old baby. It was a wonderful time. When we were together, my cousin mentioned that his step-sister had just become a pediatrician and gotten a job in the area. When Wes and I were in to see the doctor this morning, it was a young, new pediatrician. I just had a funny feeling so I asked here name again. She kind of looked at me funny when I asked if she was Eddie's step-sister. Weird, but it was her taking care of my Wessy this morning. When I sent a text to my cousin, he sure thought it was funny too. Small world out there. Mind you, none of us grew up in Prescott!

I hope you all have exercised your right to vote or plan to after work! I am anxiously awaiting my husband to get off work so that we can make the crazy 45 minute trek to our polling place. I will have to take a zofran for the road that we have to drive to Whilhoit. Then all the reading, I am not looking forward to that. Good thing, I have already pre-read all the propositions! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievably small world!!!
    Take care of yourself...glad to see Wessy is wearing a mask. You don't need strep at this point.
    I'm with you on the voting...glad to have it done...just hope it goes our way!!!
