I got a call from Simon Med this morning. They re-read my MRI and sent an addendum to my current neurologist. One small victory! For those of you that have not been following me, I had an MRI done of the head and it came back "normal for age". That was after a lower quality MRI had showing low-lying cerebellar tonsil". The translation into English is: The back on the brain is being pulled down into the spinal column. However. The new god, I mean neurologist, did not order the MRI as "rule out Chiari" or "Cerebellar ataxia" or anything to do with the cerebellar region. He just ordered it due to speech problems and viral meningitis. Therefore, the radiologist quickly reviewed the overall brain and did not specifically look at the cerebellum. So, being the RN and pushy person that I am, I called the outpatient radiology clinic and told the manager the symptoms that I was having. I told them that I knew they had the best equipment and the reputation of having the best radiologist. I also let them know that I did not want to go back to my neurologist with a MRI report that showed "normal for age" when I had the prior, lower quality one showing otherwise. ha ha. I know how to work them! Now seriously, the manager was really good. He got the records and actual mri's from YRMC and had the radiologist compare the two images. And, what do you know? I have a new report on its way to my neurologist. They were not able to tell me what it said but I know what it says. The manager and the radiologist are aware that I have been accepted in the meantime by the Chiari Insititute in NY. Yippee! Sometimes the squeaky wheel does get the oil. Now I need to get a copy to be sure I have one in hand on my next visit to the neurologist on August 3rd. Now I want him to try to tell me that it is anxiety!
In the meantime, I have sent an email to NY. Maybe that route will get me a date faster than phone messages. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!!
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